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22.11.2024 | 08:49 CET 983
Would you like to have a workshop on next German Xmas Con? Then apply for it. We are waiting for new interesting workshop themes. Please use the contact form.
Cosplay on a budget
from Kalinnchen
Cosplay is a pretty expensive hobby. Especially if you want to get very close to the original, you can quickly find yourself spending hundreds of euros. But there are also tricks to make the whole thing more budget-friendly. In this workshop I'll show you how you can use a few tricks to save money in the right places - very easily and safely.
photo: colourena
Photography workshop
from Denny Hartung alias Facettenauge-D
This workshop is divided into two main topics:
Black sheep in photography – what to do when things get weird?
For photography it is very important that photographers get along with the models and vice versa. Unfortunately, this doesn't always work, so problems sometimes arise. What should you pay attention to so that the TFP shooting doesn't turn out to be a disaster? How should you react in situations that could become unpleasant? What information should you obtain in advance before you think about working together? There are a few important rules that must be adhered to by the model and photographer.
Basic knowledge from A to Z:
Here I try to make you understand the basics of photography and modeling. From articulate between model and photographer to wink in the sun because it is too bright, you can learn a lot. What do you use, how, where and when? Find out my personal tips and tricks for the perfect photo.
photos: Denny Hartung
Bachata dance workshop
from Wolf and Elisa
Do you want to be well prepared for the anime disco? Then learn a new dance. With Bachata, the first learning successes can be seen within an hour because it is particularly beginner-friendly. Let yourself be carried away by the rhythm of the music and immerse yourself in the world of Bachata. With us you will learn the sensual movements and passionate turns of this Latin American dance. Come along, feel the music and discover the magic of Bachata.
photo: Michael Zarske
Samurai Workshop
from Verein Sengoku Naumburg e.V.
In this workshop you will learn more about the brave warriors of ancient Japan. What was their life like and what parts did their armor consist of? Sengoku Naumburg e.V. will get to the bottom of all these questions. In addition to informative details, this workshop offers a very special highlight: At the end of the lecture, you can slip into samurai armor yourself and have your photo taken by our cosplay photographer in the room next door.
photo: Sengoku Naumburg e.V.