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22.11.2024 | 08:49 CET 1016
What shouldn't be missing from any convention? A cosplay competition, of course. If you have a nice costume or a great performance idea, then take part in our cosplay competition. Enchant the audience with your performance and win great prizes from our sponsors.
You should register by our form below until one week before the event starts. Registration via the form in advance is obligatory! No spontaneous applications at the convention will be accepted anymore.
Audio files: Audio files can be used. The audio files must be sent to us in advance! After your registration you will receive an email from us with the upload link. Please choose the best possible sound quality for your audio file. If possible, use original files in .wav format (highly recommended).
Background pictures: If you want to have a background picture displayed on the beamer during your performance, simply upload the picture in the form during registration. (Attention: Only 1 wallpaper per performance will be shown from the beginning to the end of your performance, no videos!)
After submitting the form, please pay particular attention to your emails one week before the event, in case we have a question to you.
The course of the competition
Due to numerous registrations, we have decided to divide the cosplay competition into the categories “individual” and “team”.
individual: First, the individual competition takes place at 1 p.m. For this purpose, all participants who perform alone meet at the information point at 12 p.m. and are then accompanied to the stage together. In order to make the competition on stage run more smoothly, there will be so-called prejudging. This means that your costume will be assessed by the jury in advance, even before the official competition begins at 1 p.m.
team: The team competition will take place at 3 p.m. For this purpose, all participants who perform as a team meet at the info point at 2 p.m. and are then accompanied to the stage together. In order to make the competition on stage run more smoothly, there will be so-called prejudging. This means that your costume will be assessed by the jury in advance, even before the official competition begins at 3 p.m.
The valuation of the Cosplay competition is composed as follows:
Duration: Your performance should not exceed 1:30 minutes. If you will perform as a cosplay group you have 1:30 minutes for each acting person. Big groups (4 cosplayer or more) have only 5:00 minutes for their performance.
Prices: Besides the fun factor, the first three winners of both competitions can expect great prizes. Our jury reserves the right to reward particularly creative performance ideas and unique props. As you can see, it's definitely worth taking part. The winners of the Cosplay competition will be announced at the Victory at 6 pm.