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22.11.2024 | 08:49 CET 1103
Would you like to have a workshop on next German Xmas Con? Then apply for it. We are waiting for new interesting workshop themes. Please use the contact form.
Sewing for Cosplaybeginner
from Loliya
Loliya, the Thuringian fashion designer for cosplay and lolita fashion, should have been remembered by most of you through her fashion show at the last Xmas Con.
In the workshop "Sewing for cosplay beginners" I would like to introduce you to the basics of sewing and important elements for cosplay work. I'll show you tricks and tricks to make it easier for you to approach this topic and help you with questions about your specific cosplay plans. So if you have a problem with a particular project, just collect the questions that come up and bring them to the workshop. Outside of the workshop, you can also contact me at my stand.