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22.11.2024 | 08:49 CET 1103
Lisa Laudanum - Cosplayer, has two Workshops
I am Lisa Laudanum and a cosplayer since 2009, with a short interruption in the meantime, and belongs probably already comparatively to the "old ones". Since I belong to the generation who grew up with Sailor Moon, Digimon, Pokemon and co. I was always been creative and have a lot of tinkering, so this hobby is an excellent opportunity to live out and implement my creativity.
Laovaan - passionate artist
Laovaan is a German art student who works with both traditional and digital media. His favorite technique is watercolor painting. He also likes to use ink, markers and Photoshop. On his YouTube channel he shows how he works artistically. His paintings are influenced by the manga style and realistic motifs. At the German Xmas Con, you can look over his shoulder at his artist's stand and attend his workshop on watercolor painting.
Rittirong Konggann - Head of ZENit in Coburg
Kung Fu Master Rittirong Konggann is the head of ZENit in Coburg. Born in Asia in 1973, he joined the Weng Chun Kung Fu in 1993. Since then he was a direct pupil under Grandmaster Andreas Hoffmann, who was the last and at the same time the only Western student of Wai Yan. In 2003, Rittirong Konggann founded the "ZENit", his own school for Kung Fu and Qi Gong, in Coburg. Six years later, he obtained the master title in the Kung Fu, before he successfully completed his training as a Shiatsu practitioner at the European Shiatsu Institute in 2014. Since then, as a graduate teacher, Kung Fu master, Qi Gong teacher and Satori, he has been training the Shiatsu practitioners in the ZaZen. On the Xmas Con, he will also present the lion dance alongside Qi Gong and Shiatsu. Further information can be found under the respective program items.
Thorsten Engels - Head of the Weng Chun Kung Fu School in Sonneberg
Thorsten Engels began in 2005 with his training under Master Rittirong Konggann in Coburg. In 2007, he was appointed practice director by Grandmaster Andreas Hoffmann. A year later he became a German champion in Sanda Vollkontakt, before he was named Sifu (Schwarzgurt) in 2012. In 2014 Thorsten Engels was appointed Weng Chun master by Andreas Hoffmann and in 2015 opened his own Weng Chun Kung Fu school in Sonneberg. Rejoice with us on Thorsten Engels and his Kung Fu students, who will perform various partner exercises, form training and much more on the stage.
Shinji Schneider - Standup comedian in the area Nerdcomedy
The 1982 born Shinji Schneider grew up with anime, manga and games consoles. So it is not surprising that these influences have influenced his standup comedy, which is most likely to be described as "nerdcomedy". Since 2005 he has been on German anime and mangacon. On occasion, however, you can meet him at other events that bring together the most wonderful madmen in the world. Listen to Shinji's funny and sketchy incidents of the anime, manga, cosplay, or gamer scene.