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22.11.2024 | 08:49 CET 1098
The Gamesroom is a space for all gamers and those who want to be happy. Here every visitor has the opportunity to try out brand new games or to find out about new releases. Even casual gamers are right here if they want to meet with friends or other visitors on a digital level.
In order to offer you a comprehensive range of consoles and games, we are working together with the Gamesroom S*Vv*A*M*P, which is a private non-profit group at conventions and has specialized in video games. With more than 10 years of experience, the Gamesroom S*Vv*A*M*P ensures fun and games on well-known cons like the Animuc, the Connichi and the Frankenmexx.
And what should not be missing in a gamesroom? The contest, of course! For this reason we offer you the possibility to participate in competitions on different consoles. Anyone wishing to take part in any of the following competitions will be entered into the lists provided for this purpose.
In the tournaments, the three best players are determined in the K.O. principle. Depending on the number of participants, the tournaments take several rounds.
Detailed information about the contest are shown on the homepage under "contests".