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22.11.2024 | 08:49 CET 1016
The German Xmas Con will collect money donations for the animal shelter as part of a charity campaign.
In addition to receiving, caring for and arranging pets, the shelter also helps injured or orphaned wildlife and birds. Like all institutions of this kind, the Coburg shelter relies on donations to finance the running costs.
For this reason, the organizers of the German Xmas Con have decided to help with partners in the best possible way. For this target, money donations are collected, which will be handed over to the animal shelter during the event.
The German Xmas Con is not only dependent on the help of companies and other organizations. Also every visitor can contribute a small part if they would like. How it works? At the event itself, there will be tables in the "chill-out area", where interested people can buy and paint a Christmas tree ball for 2,00 €. The amount collected will be fully donated to the animal shelter Coburg.
Further information of the animal shelter Coburg can be found on the following homepage: (only German)
Note: As a sponsor of the donation campaign, you can register at any time in our form.