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22.11.2024 | 08:49 CET 1161
The German Xmas Con is a Christmas anime and manga convention that will take place on the 07th December 2024 in Coburg for the sixth time. The day program takes place in the Coburg "Kongresshaus Rosengarten", which seats up to 1200 visitors. In the evening Disco and Anime Cinema will rock your bodys.
In order to be able to conclude an exciting convention year, we would like to set an unforgettable highlight for all visitors with Christmas ideas and a suitable atmosphere. Enjoy with us a social gathering in the pre-Christmas period, meet friends or get to know new people who share your hobby. Mark the first Saturday of December and get ready for a convention that has never existed so far. Let yourself be entertained and come to the forth German Xmas Con.
Period p>
Date: 07.12.2024
Main event located in Kongresshaus Rosengarten
Evening Party located in "Jugenzentrum COSMOS" Coburg
Main Event
Kongresshaus Rosengarten
Berliner Platz 1
96450 Coburg